The notice for the assignment of land has been published
The Manarola Cinqueterre Onlus Foundation has published the tender for the assignment of part of the agricultural land located in the area above Manarola. The announcement is aimed at agricultural companies or private citizens interested in bringing back traditional cultivation.
The project in a video
Filmed by Matteo Poddie, the video tells the importance of the project in a fragile territory like that of the Cinque Terre.
Dry-stone walls have the capability to drain water efficiently and preserve the soil by reducing geo-hydrological risks.
Abandonment in recent decades, combined with increasingly extreme weather events, poses a serious threat for people.
The Stonewallsforlife project aims to demonstrate how the ancient technology of dry-stone walls, typical of agriculture in the Cinque Terre, can be effectively used to improve resilience to climate change.
Meeting with stakeholders and local community
It was a well-attended meeting that took place with stakeholders and the local community to present the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of the Cinque Terre National Park.
The event, organized in collaboration with the CMCC Foundation and Legambiente, had the aim of encouraging discussion and involvement of all the subjects present and active in the Park. Soon the story of what was discussed at the three thematic tables.
Second course started
As scheduled, the second course on dry stone wall construction techniques has started.
Eighteen participants in the course - organized with the support of Isforcoop La Spezia, which includes 32 hours of attendance divided between theoretical and practical parts.
Forth monitoring Visit
The fourth monitoring visit of the LIFE Program Management Authority (CINEA) which finances Stonewallsforlife took place on 19th and 20th September.
The program included a first day of meetings with the project partners which took place in the Park headquarters and a second day "in the field" where the Program representatives were able to visit the giants' amphitheater and see the late progress of the project.
JULY 2023
First walls completed and restored using traditional and innovative techniques in the amphitheater of Manarola, project intervention site.
MAY 2023
The last lessons of the training course were held to learn innovative and experimental techniques for the restoration of dry stone walls.
The tested technique is based on the vibro-driving of bars with continuous thread
to increase friction in the ground.
APRIL 2023
The Net Zero teams (ICCROM) conducted a study visiting the Cinque Terre to learn from these heritage-centric climate adaptation projects Stonewalls4life and Life-A-Mar Natura 2000.
The partecipants to the workshop on “Developing Integrated Strategies for Heritage Safeguard, Climate Action, Disaster Risk Reduction and Peacebuilding” had the chance to discover Cinque Terre cultural landscape, strategies and activities of our project.
MARCH 2023
First meetings for the preparation of the climate change adaptation plan of the Cinque Terre Park continue.
The CMCC supports the project partners, boasting extensive experience in developing science-driven adaptation and mitigation policies in a changing climate.
Beginning of the first training course for learning dry-stone wall building techniques, identified as a tool for resilience to climate change.
Two different courses are planned: an advanced training course for maintenance workers already enrolled in the Park's Register, and a basic training course for those approaching the world of traditional building techniques.
Researchers from the University of Genoa (DISTAV) have installed four multi-parameter stations in the ground to study the response of dry stone walls to extreme climatic events
Third Monitoring Visit
Meeting and project monitoring visit with all partners to present the progress of the works on the pilot site.
During the morning the technical-administrative session took place in the Cinque Terre Park headquarter, in the afternoon they went to the intervention site in Manarola.
Emanuele Raso and Francesco Marchese presented the Stonewalls4life project at the International Conference during the National Dry Stone Week organized by the Italian School of Dry Stone - ITLA Italia.
The Distav- working group - the University of Genoa in the Manarola Pilot Site to carry out stratigraphic, geotechnical, and seismic investigations. These studies aimed at deep-characterizing the sites identified for carrying out the monitoring and reconstruction of dry-stone walls.
The activity involved dynamic penetrometer tests, sismic refraction surveys, GPS surveys, on-site density measurements, and soil sampling for subsequent laboratory analyzes.
After the removal of the weeds on lots 1 and 2, detailed topographic surveys are in progress
The total station (pictured) serves to define points in space - with the aim of reconstructing the original morphological structure of the terraces, largely erased by decades of neglect.
JULY 2022
Partnership meeting
After the midterm submission all the beneficiaries at work for the project activities implementation: drystone walls restoration and climate change adaptation.
JUNE 2022
In Athens to present Stonewalls4life
We were invited to present the results achieved so far and the future prospects at the final event of the LIFE Terracescape project, held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Athens.
It represented an opportunity to compare two different models of terraced landscape conservation and development.
MARCH 2022
Inspection of the intervention area, after the cleaning works
With the planning team, on the day of the inspection of the intervention area, after the cleaning works of the infesting vegetation were carried out and the walls emerged. It is therefore possible to quantify the works to be done to recover the area and to cultivate the terraces.
In the amphitheater after the first interventions
Meeting in the headquarter of the Cinque Terre Park and then inspection in the intervention area with the researchers of the University of Genoa, the project managers, the Manarola Foundation, the representatives of the Cinque Terre Park and Legambiente to evaluate the next actions to be carried out.
Work begins on the pilot site
In recent days, the process of assigning the works of the first lot within the pilot site, the amphitheater of Manarola, has been completed with the aim of removing the rampant vegetation from the land and thus being able to verify the state of conservation of the walls to subsequently proceed with the restoration of the dry stone walls. The farms in charge will have ninety days to clean the uncultivated land from the vegetation.
Stonewallsforlife in Mora La Nova, Catalonia
The Stonewallsforlife project was presented during the meeting dedicated to Dry Stone and Traditional Architecture of the Catalan-speaking territories which took place from 5 to 7 November in Mora La Nova.
JULY 2021
Meeting with the representatives of EU Environment
Meeting with the representatives of the Directorate General (DG) of the European Commission for the Environment and the Directorate General for Climate Action organized by the managing authority of the LIFE programme to discuss about the main aspects of the project and the current progress in relation to the start of the cleaning work in the intervention area in Manarola.
The representatives of the DGs showed great interest in the themes of climate change and the preservation of the terraced landscape.
MAY 2021
Second monitor visit in Manarola
In the second monitoring visit , the project monitor visited the project intervention area and inspected the ongoing works.
The project staff, together with the monitor climbed the Beccara trail until they reached the Corniolo Hill to overview the intervention area and concluded the visit on the grounds of Fondazione Manarola.
MAY 2021
Stonewallsforlife at Politecnico di Milano
On monday, May 3rd (11.30-13.00) our project will be part of an open lecture at the master class of European Environmental and Landscape Politics and Projects at the Politecnico di Milano.
Emanuele Raso and Francesco Marchese will speak on behalf of the Cinque Terre National Park, respectively as demonstration site manager and junior program manager of the project.
APRIL 2021
Second “Virtual" Monitor Visit
On 20th April 2020, the monitor, Chiara Spotorno by NEEMO EEIG, discussed with the STONEWALLSFORLIFE partners the project activities so far, again in a "virtual” visit due to the current Covid-19 health situation.
During the videoconference the Stonewallsforlife team presented the progress of the project.
DISTAV is carrying on the in-depth study for the geotechnical characterization of the site where the stations will be placed.
The National Park of Cinque Terre, coordinating beneficiary, has identified the first area of intervention, while Fondazione Manarola stipulated 38 contracts to have collect land for the restoration of dry-stone walls. The National Park is going to conclude a public tender to enroll a technical group of professionals to carry out the intervention that will take place in the “amphitheater” of Manarola. Both these partners are also working on the elaboration of the technical training documentation for the courses including the procedures to hire the training subject that will be in charge of organizing the courses.
Legambiente presented a group of stakeholders interested in collaborating to the project and reported about the communication and dissemination activities undertaken press releases; articles and videos; participation to seminars and events; social media analysis.
ITRB has identified Sierra de Tramontana in Mallorca as a site proposal for possible future projects and has already spoken with the Council of Mallorca which has responded enthusiastically.
DIBA collected a hundred of positive responses from stakeholders and is still collecting data for future replication projects.
After a afternoon financial and administrative sessions, the meeting ended positively, hoping to meet personally soon.
MARCH 2021
Meeting between the Partnership of the Project
and the Advisory Board
Two meetings took place on the 26th of March: in the morning, a progress meeting between partners to discuss the latest developments and actions carried out and plan next steps; while in the afternoon, the first meeting with the members of the Advisory Board, made up of associations and professionals active at an international level in the recovery of terraced landscapes.
Garraf Park presents Stonewallsforlife
Garraf Park organised two meetings to present the Stonewallsforlife project, one with the Municipalities of the Garraf Park and Olèrdola Park (26 January) and the other with local organisations and stakeholders (23 February) with the aim of seeking new collaborations and invite them to participate. The meeting on the second day took place on a digital platform and can be seen on You Tube
Tender for the assignment of the works
The Cinque Terre Park has initiated the tender procedure for the assignment of the project of designing, managing and executing the the restoration works on the terraces and dry stone walls.
Webinar with University of Camerino
Emanuele Raso, geologist of the Cinque Terre Park, and Francesco Marchese, consultant of the park, spoke during the webinar on excellent landscapes and climate change organized by UNICAM to showcase how Stonewalls4life project represents an innovative model in the context of climate change adaptation.
New stakeholders for the project
About thirty Italian and European associations have positively responded to the invitation of the Cinque Terre Park Director Patrizio Scarpellini to collaborate to the growth of the Stonewallsforlife project. Among them stand out the European countries that, together with Italy, are registered in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List because of their drystone walls: Cyprus, Croatia, France, Greece, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland.
JUNE 2020
Field activities
The researchers from the University of Genoa conducted fieldworks to delineate the geological and geomorphological setting of the intervention area and to understand the spatial distribution and maintenance conditions of drystone walls.
APRIL 2020
"Virtual" monitor visit
On 8th April 2020, the monitor, Chiara Spotorno by NEEMO EEIG, discussed with the STONEWALLSFORLIFE partners the project activities so far, in a "virtual” visit due to the current Covid-19 health emergency.
In a long videoconference, stock has been taken about progress of the project, which is proceeding despite some slowdown due to contingent problems.
Fondazione Manarola has already identified the first lots to work on, while researchers from DISTAV are evaluating the best technologies for intervening on drystone walls and drainage channels. Cinque Terre Park has started to fill in the paperwork for the organization of the courses, which are likely to begin next autumn. Legambiente and ITRB Group are carrying on the contacts with stakeholders, while Diputaciò Barcelona is identifying the best area for the project replication.
The meeting ended positively, hoping to meet personally soon.
MARCH 2020
The Siggen Seminar
The seminar "Helping Protected Areas Adapt to Climate Change”, organized by Europarc, the Federation of National Parks and protected areas in Europe, was organized as videoconference call. Emanuele Raso, geologist and coordinator of the project on behalf of the Cinque Terre National Park, participated and reported that "The main topic, namely the climate change adaptation strategies, was dealt with a multidisciplinary approach. Various experts from both the management and the scientific field presented their point of view. It has been an excellent opportunity to lay the foundations for the climate change adaptation plan to be produced at the end of the project itself.”
Students involved in the project Erasmus Loresu of the high school Fossati-Da Passano (La Spezia) attended a seminar on the natural and cultural heritage and on sustainability.
Students from the Monash University attended a presentation of the project by the geologist Emanuele Raso and then visited the pilot site with the members of the Fondazione Manarola.
A team of researchers from the Cinque Terre National Park, DISTAV and ITRB realized a new geomorphological survey procedure to map and classify drystone walls in the pilot area.
During the Open Day of the Cinque Terre National Park dedicated to the EU projects it coordinates, Emanuele Raso, Eugenio Bordoni and Santo Grammatico presented STONEWALLSFORLIFE.
The official presentation of the project took place in Vernazza (Cinque Terre). All partners were present as well as local stakeholders, citizens and associations.
The project STONEWALLSFORLIFE was presented during the Kick-off Meeting in Bruxelles, organized by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME).