The Consortium
The Cinque Terre National Park is the Coordinating Beneficiary of the project and it is responsible of the technical and financial project management.
Fondazione Manarola Cinqueterre Onlus has already carried out preparatory activities for the project and is directly involved in the engagement activities of local stakeholders.
The Department of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences (DISTAV – DIpartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e della Vita) of the University of Genoa guarantees the collection of data about the dynamics of drystone walls and the monitoring of the implemented actions.
ITRB Group provides the Consortium with its experience in drafting proposals of EU programs and project management.
Legambiente Onlus puts into play its experience in environmental sustainability projects and contributes to the analysis of the replicability of the project in the Cinque Terre and to communication activities.
Barcelona Provincial Council (DIBA – Diputació de Barcelona, Àrea d’Infraestructures i Espais Naturals) has a key role in the replicability of the project in other areas of the European Union with similar conditions.